Quality Management

TCK e-Solutions Sdn Bhd, is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company.


Our Quality Policy:

In order to support the Company’s strategic direction, our team is committed to provide our services to our customers with the distinctive attributes below:

  • TOP-NOTCH SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT, MONITORING AND INSTALLATION – Through our local multi-skilled software development teams who understand the situation and act to resolve any issues.
  • CAPABLE IN ACHIEVING HIGH EFFICIENCY & EFFECTIVENESS – Responsive and using the best practices available to consistently provide quality and reliable software development services.
  • KNOWLEDGEABLE SUPPORT & MAINTENANCE PROGRAM – Continuous service and inspection to maintain a targeted level of satisfaction.

We are also committed to satisfy applicable requirements including applicable legal, customer, quality management system requirements and other requirements of other interested parties within the context of the quality management system.

Our management is committed to continual improve the quality management system and its services from time to time.

In order to achieve the intended outcomes of the quality management system, we shall and continually determine the external and internal issues (negative and positive) that are relevant to the purpose of our organization and interested parties and initiate timely actions to address the risk and opportunities associated with these issues.

We believe these are the corner stones to consistently fulfill our customer requirements and expectation and enhancing our customer satisfaction, and at the same time maximizing the values, needs and expectation of all other stakeholders including our suppliers and subcontractors, shareholders, employee and relevant authorities.